
I am being hounded by two bratz. cat 10 They are rested and ready to rumble, but not until I go to bed. Then it will be trampoline time. CatSmiley21 I know about these things and and have the bruises to prove it.

They are as ready to make a break for it as I am, although they won’t go outside whereas I will given a choice. Smiley-Begging Why am I writing this out tonight instead of tomorrow? Mainly because I probably want to see the little monsters squirm as they nag at me. cat 3 Yes, I can be that way, even if I know I am going to pay for it later. When they have settled down, they will press their fur clad bodies against my back or stomach, whichever is available at the time, and roast me out of bed. cat 26 That should give you some idea of how much sleep I will get. It has gotten that despite the cold nights, I have taken to sleeping with the window open. cat 53 10-16-27 Go figure. It accomplished two things. One, it keeps the room livable. Two, it keeps the bratzs huddled under the blankets and gives the bruising time to heal. There is reason to my madness after all.

What have I been doing this week? Not that much. AddEmoticons04279 I feel confined and that never works well with me. I am working on a short novella, as well as half finished ‘Rebuilding the Empire of Light’. AddEmoticons04231 I have been getting myself into trouble in other ways, but they are nominal and I will tell you about that at another time. While I wait, I note there are 11 more days before the release of Angelika Leanne. super-happy-dance-smiley-emoticon Shortly after that we can look to setting up the release of ‘The Warrior’. Eniko, I believe is very close to finishing the first stages of editing for ‘Vengeance has a daughter’ and then Candy will get it. smiley-happy120 Then comes ‘The Eagle Claw Legend’, which is a short story. I may have changes to announce in my release schedule for next year too. Meanwhile, I will continue to write. AddEmoticons04259 10-25-09 The next title after ‘Rebuilding the Empire of Light’ will probably be a story in Tantalus. I really need to find my to write list. I know I have it somewhere. The things we misplace.

Well, I am going to make this short. I need to concentrate on what goes down in the next chapter. AddEmoticons04263 My characters are nagging at me and I have done my best to turn my hearing aid down so I don’t hear them so clearly lately. That said, stay well and I will tell you more next weekend. Until then, stay well… AddEmoticons04225 22-31-36

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