Moving right along

Yes, it is time to get back to work here. AddEmoticons04268 The writing break is over, and although I should be hard at it, I am not. AddEmoticons04279 ‘The Goddess’ has only increased by 1 chapter this week.AddEmoticons04267 10-25-02  What should I blame that on?  Cats?  Well, they do have give the impression that they think that I have extra time for them. cat 53 10-16-27 They are bouncing extra heavily onto me, as the new bruises from last night indicate. CatSmiley21 But, I can’t really blame them for my shortcomings. cat 28

The tablecloth that I am crocheting? AddEmoticons04259 10-25-09 Can I blame that? AddEmoticons04274 It definitely has taken the lion’s share of my time lately, and if everything goes well, I should be finished it by next weekend. smiley-happy120 I will take a picture of it and post it, so you can see what it looks like. AddEmoticons0424

I have a new series in mind that has been nagging at me for a while, and yes, I have written 1 chapter on it, but that isn’t the cause of my being lax. AddEmoticons04231  I was ill, but that usually doesn’t slow me down much, and everyone has this cold. fever-and-sick It is an excuse, but not a good one. smiley-confused005 This leaves me with a choice of being lazy, (a good possibility), or dealing with a lot of interruptions, (another good possibility.)  AddEmoticons04274

Lets just call it transition time, like the weather, and leave it at that. AddEmoticons04263 Speaking of weather, wow has it been cold lately. smiley3527 The good news is that it is warming up for this upcoming week, and we deserve it. 1lg172snowsmilies We haven’t seen weather in the minus forty range for several years. winter-7650 True, it was including windchill, but that counts if you have to go outside.  I didn’t.  (Call me chicken).  0004

So, what by way of advancements, have been made on the books during the holidays? AddEmoticons04280 Not much with everyone getting sick.AddEmoticons04264  Eniko finished off the main edit on ‘Lost Kingdoms of the Empire’, and is now working on ‘The Phoenixes Choice’. super-happy-dance-smiley-emoticon ‘The Siren Connection’ is waiting in the wings, but is a short. AddEmoticons04262 Sarah intends to start on the last stage edit for ‘Merika’s Story’. giving-thumbs-up-winking-smiley-emoticon When she is finished, it will go to Betty for proof-read, and then get put into Becca’s file. clicking-your-heels-smiley-emoticon ‘Intercession’, and ‘Forbidden Contact’, are in the formatting file, waiting until it is time for them to go through that phase before they will be ready to be preordered.AddEmoticons04257

‘Gabriel’ and ‘Marious’ Story’ was on sale for a week, and have been taken off.There were several people who grabbed copies, sorry to those who missed. AddEmoticons04258 ‘King’s Champion’ and ‘Life Mate to a King’ took their place for 0.99 each. AddEmoticons04260   They will be left at that price for a week, before they are replaced by the following two. AddEmoticons0423 Within the next two weeks, Cora Graphics will be making the cover for ‘The Goddess’, but I will not release that until ‘Kings of the Empire’ comes out. AddEmoticons04263 Also, has everyone seen the new ‘Elven Chronicles’ trailer?  I love it, don’t forget to check it out.AddEmoticons0424 20-55-10

I would tell you about the week the kitties had, but there isn’t much to tell. cat 53 10-16-27 When the weather is this cold, the mere mention of the temperature is enough to make them head for the feather blanket. cat 22  (that blanket needs airing out, it smells suspiciously of cat.) cat 26 Well, it is time for me to move on, hope to have more to report next weekend.  In the meantime, stay well, and hope 2017 is better to the world than 2016 was.  AddEmoticons04225 22-31-36

4 thoughts on “Moving right along

  1. Betty Olsen says:

    Lot of news in this one and I can’t wait to get Merika’s Story. I love the tablecloth you are crocheting-I wish I could do that. Sometimes it’s hard to get back in gear but I know you will, you always do!! Stay warm and have a great weekend.

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